Landscapers Near Me That Know All About Fire Retardant Plantings in Newcastle, CA
Did you know that specific plants can actually help to keep your Newcastle, CA, safer in a wildfire? As you look for “landscapers near me” that can help with your planting needs, consider incorporating the following fire-retardant plants into your landscape for more protection.
The Value of Native Plants
In California where wildfires are a continual potential hazard to the people and the landscape, planting upright shrubs and trees with large leaves, evergreens, and succulents can help to reduce the flammable nature of the plants. Finding a landscaper with the experience and knowledge to select the best plants for fire prevention can be difficult, so we’ve put together the following suggestions.
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Plants That Help to Prevent Fires
Wildflowers: Many types of wildflowers are slow to catch fire and can reduce the spread of fire. Some species of poppies and bluebells are both beautiful and flame resistant.
Succulents: Verbena, prickly pear, cactus, and yucca are succulent varieties that can bring a pretty appearance to your landscape while offering fire resilience.
Oak trees: Certain types of oak trees can be beneficial in the California landscape for fire resistance.
Broadleaf shrubs: These shrubs can be trimmed at the bottom to resemble small trees. Varieties include sumac, hollyleaf cherry, coffeeberry, and honeysuckle.
Locate Landscape Professionals with Fire Knowledge
There are several steps that your landscape professional should take before ever recommending any type of planting for your Newcastle, CA, landscape.
Evaluate the Wind Patterns
Fire usually follows the wind pattern, so a clear understanding of how the wind shifts and blows can be critical to plant suggestions. Examining the slope of the terrain and the current plantings can help to provide an overall picture of the way native plants can aid in reducing flammability.
Test the Mulch
Proper mulch can keep the plants moist and therefore less prone to burning, while also acting to slow the fire.
Related: The Importance of Choosing a Landscape Design with Drought Tolerant Plants in Roseville, CA
Clear Out the Dead Grass and Brush
Keeping your landscape clear of dead brush and weeds can help to remove the highly flammable materials that a fire loves to consume. The goal is to have shrubs and trees and plants that don’t catch fire in under 60 seconds.
Locating a Knowledgeable Landscapers Near You
Look for a landscape architect who is educated in planting design theory and passionate about horticulture. Just because someone is a landscape contractor doesn’t mean that they have the right knowledge to recommend the plant varieties and location strategies to help combat wildfires.
Proper plant selection and sourcing should be at the heart of each variety that goes in your Newcastle, CA, landscape. Some landscape contractors leave plants as an afterthought as they may prefer hardscape-driven projects, but a true landscape architect recognizes the value of the perfect plantings to bring beauty and fire safety to your home.
Great Landscapes Start with Excellent Design
While this can certainly be true of any landscape plan, it is especially true of fire-retardant plantings. Your Newcastle, CA, landscape architect will work closely with you to choose the best plants for your surrounding landscape and show them to you in a 2D and 3D design that can allow you to see the finished product before any soil has been dug.